(January 5, 2013)—Crossway and Justin Holcomb, director of the Resurgence, have made a chapter of Rid of My Disgrace: Hope and Healing for Victims of Sexual Assault available for free in the wake of the recent Ohio rape case.
In December, the New York Times published an article on the Ohio rape case that has developed since August of last year. Two high school football players are charged with the rape of an underage girl, subsequently posting pictures and videos of the victim, and tweeting about the assault. One of the videos being used as evidence records the disturbing use of humor and nonchalant attitudes of teenage males as they discuss the rape. Careless attitudes toward such a sobering topic can bring additional shame upon an already suffering victim.
The traumatizing effects of sexual assault can move beyond the immediate physical effects to sleep deprivation, anxiety, fear, depression, social withdrawal, flashbacks, self-mutilation, guilt, and the list goes on. In Rid of My Disgrace, Justin and Lindsey Holcomb proclaim a message of healing and hope to victims who know the depths of pain and the overwhelming sense of disgrace associated with sexual assault.
“We believe the only thing that gets to the depth of the devastation of sexual assault is God’s one-way, unconditional love expressed through, and founded on, the person and redemptive work of Jesus Christ,” explain the Holcomb’s. “In response to sin and its effects, God’s radical grace and redemption are at the center of responding to the pain and needs brought on by a victim’s experiences.”
In light of the recent Ohio case, Chapter 2 of their book, entitled “What Is Sexual Assault,” is now available as a free download. May it embolden victims to speak up and encourage friends and family of these individuals to respond with love and support.
Justin and Lindsey Holcomb, co-authors of Rid of My Disgrace: Hope and Healing for Victims of Sexual Assault, are available for interviews on this topic. Contact Angie Cheatham at acheatham@crossway.org for more information.